MAXTURE 邁特頂級漆作工藝【何謂工藝?】
在工業革命前,生活用品純粹以手工生產,所以稱「手工藝」(Handcraft);在工業革命後,多以機械來輔助製作,並分為「工藝」(Craft)與「工業」(Industrial)兩種分支。早期兩者主要差別在於生產模式與美學價值的不同:「工藝」是以手工製造為主,而以機械為輔,通常設計與製作者並無區分,重視實用功能與美學表現;「工業」則是以機械生產為唯一方式,且設計與製作分工,並以大量製造與降低生產成本為考量,以經濟實用為主要訴求,並不太注重美觀。現今兩者的區分則趨於模糊,因工業品越來越精美,已趨向「工藝化」;而工藝也漸講求量化生產,朝向「產業化」發展。 「工藝」又常與「藝術」的範疇混淆不清,其中最主要的分野在於:藝術品並不考慮生產時效、成本、市場接受性及實用性,僅追求闡述創作者自身的藝術理念;但工藝須與生活結合,同時具有實用性與美學價值的觀賞性。 |
【What is Craft?】
Before industrial revolution, the goods used in everyday life were purely handmade, which was called handcraft. After industrial revolution, the goods were made with the assistance of machines and can be separated into two kinds, craft and industrial product. In early days, the main difference between the two can be seen in the way of production and its aesthetic value. Crafts were basically handmade with the help of some machines and they were designed and made by the same person, focusing on the function and the appearance. On the other hand, the only way to produce industrial craft are through machines. Their designers and makers are different. Mass production and lower cost are the major concerns when producing industrial crafts, focusing on economic and practical use, with less emphasis on the aesthetic side. Nowadays, the line between the two has blurred. The industrial crafts have refined and the craft is calling for mass production, going into the direction of industrialization.
The definition of craft and art is ambiguous. The key point is that when an art is being made, the efficiently, cost, market acceptance and practical function won’t be taken into consideration but only the artistic concept of the art creator while crafts are connected to everyday life that is functional and pretty.
Before industrial revolution, the goods used in everyday life were purely handmade, which was called handcraft. After industrial revolution, the goods were made with the assistance of machines and can be separated into two kinds, craft and industrial product. In early days, the main difference between the two can be seen in the way of production and its aesthetic value. Crafts were basically handmade with the help of some machines and they were designed and made by the same person, focusing on the function and the appearance. On the other hand, the only way to produce industrial craft are through machines. Their designers and makers are different. Mass production and lower cost are the major concerns when producing industrial crafts, focusing on economic and practical use, with less emphasis on the aesthetic side. Nowadays, the line between the two has blurred. The industrial crafts have refined and the craft is calling for mass production, going into the direction of industrialization.
The definition of craft and art is ambiguous. The key point is that when an art is being made, the efficiently, cost, market acceptance and practical function won’t be taken into consideration but only the artistic concept of the art creator while crafts are connected to everyday life that is functional and pretty.
「MAX」+「TEXTURE」= MAXTURE 意指:將肌理、質感發揮到極致。 從漆作的材料、「工」的研發技術、「藝」的美感延伸,MAXTURE將導入藝術表面材及空間設計的商業發展及藝術發展。培養專業工藝職人將技術及實用性精密規格化、美學發展空間化,為漆作工藝於技術端、美學端、市場端皆有頂級的感度與質量。 【About MAXTURE】
MAX+TEXTURE=MAXTURE MAXTURE means to demonstrate the best texture and look of paint finishes. From the material of the paint to the technology and the artistic value, MAXTURE will bring the development of business and art in space design and surface material of arts. We will cultivate professional craftsman to utilize and systemize the practicability, and develop the atheistic in spaces in order to reach a professional level for the paint craft in technology, artistic value and the market. |
MAXTURE將質紋肌理分為:自然質、人造質、仿飾質、極簡質,其中又分為縱向發展(多樣化的質紋)及橫向發展(單一質紋間改變疏密、方向、比例),透過塗裝工具、特製工具及設備做技術研發,每一塊樣板皆須經過多道程序的測試、比對、演化、再造,直到工藝技術及藝術質感達到去蕪存菁,創造最精練的漆作工藝樣板。 【Different finishes】
In MAXTURE, we have four categories for the finish, they are natural finish, artificial finish, faux finish and simple finish. It can also be separated into vertical development (various finishes) and horizontal development (the change of paint density, direction and portion in a single type of finish). To create the most refined paint craft samples, we researched and developed special equipment and painting tools. What’s more, every sample has went through numerous tests, comparisons, adjustments until the finest quality in craftsmanship and art is reached. |
透過色彩學的配置及實驗,提煉出各樣風格空間之需求調性,MAXTURE將色彩研發分為:大地色、工業色、街頭色、時尚色..等類,憑藉市場需求及視覺感度開發出MAXTURE之漆作工藝品牌色彩。 【Discover the colors and tones】
Through experiments and configuration in colors, we have what’s the most suitable tone for spaces of different styles. In MAXTURE, we have colors in categories like earth color, industrial color, street color, fashion color and so on. The MAXTURE paint craft is developed by following the market demand and visual sensibility. |